
Friends of the Orphans, Canada

Friends Of The OrphansNuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) , Spanish for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters” cares for over 3000 orphaned children in Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador and now in Peru and Bolivia.

Friends of the Orphans, Canada is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting the large family of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos. Through the generosity of caring benefactors, Friends of the Orphans Canada helps provide the children with food, clothing, shelter, medical care and an education. Their spiritual and emotional needs are also nourished, that they may grow to be healthy, productive members of their society.

Winters has been committed to this organization since 1995.

Visit Friends of the Orphan’s website.

Make a Wish Canada

Winters has been committed to this organization since 2019

Visit Make a Wish Canada Today to make a donation