A Temporary Staffing Role May Be the Optimal Entry Point to a Full-Time Job
For the majority of people who are looking for employment, it would be relatively safe to say that they would prefer a full-time position over a temporary or contract assignment. This would only be natural, as permanent work can satisfy such sought-after objectives as income stability, health care benefits, and opportunities for personal development and career advancement.
Regrettably, for a growing number of job seekers, particularly if they are trying to enter the workforce, have limited work experience, and/or are perhaps newer to Canada, their goal to secure full-time positions is proving to be more and more difficult to achieve; this is because many organizations have been adjusting their employment practices since the last recession to favour the hiring of temporary rather than full-time staff.
In many respects, it is difficult to find fault with such a shift. Hiring temporary/contract staffing helps employers reduce their payroll-related costs while maintaining the levels of skill and productivity they need from an operations point of view; it also permits them to observe and assess an individual’s performance/cultural fit, without a binding obligation, in the event that the need arises to fill permanent positions at some point in the future.
This latter scenario presents an ideal opportunity for those who would prefer but may be unable to find permanent work as a result of their job search efforts; they might want to take a temporary or contract role in order to demonstrate their value to an employer and in turn influence the hiring decision should any full-time jobs become available. Is there a better way to be a front-runner for a job than by basically auditioning for it every day?
Of course, as with any audition or job interview, candidates must present themselves in an appropriate light to affect a positive outcome; here then, are some important factors that will help individuals looking to convert temporary jobs into full-time employment:
- Act like a full-time employee – dress the part; participate, interact, collaborate
- Produce the highest-quality work – portray an appropriate level of professionalism
- Accept any/all assignments with enthusiasm and a positive attitude (no selectivity)
- Look for opportunities to showcase skills beyond those required for the specific role
- Show an interest in learning about the organization – people, products, policies, etc.
- Network to the fullest – meet/get introduced to as many decision-makers as possible
- Offer suggestions on process improvements – demonstrate a willingness to add value
- Make intentions known – advise supervision of the desire to stay on in a full-time role
When employers have the need and/or opportunity to fill permanent positions, many will prefer to hire known entities, so to speak, or individuals with whom they are somewhat familiar in terms of their:
- Skills
- Work ethic
- Cultural/company fit
- Potential for contribution
Thus, candidates seeking full-time employment might find a temporary staffing job to be the optimal entry point to ultimately pursuing their career pathway and goals.
A Staffing Agency Can Provide Access to a Broad Range of Temporary Positions
Very often, when employers are looking for temporary staffing solutions, they will turn to a professional staffing agency, such as Winters Technical Staffing in Toronto, to provide the support they require with respect to identifying, recruiting, and onboarding their new hires. Winters Technical Staffing has the experience and the resources necessary to find appropriate and qualified candidates in an expedient manner, hence saving time, money, and effort for their clients, while also limiting downtime from a productivity perspective.
In turn, this could augur well for any individuals who are willing to consider a temporary position as a means of ultimately securing permanent employment; by aligning their job search efforts and goals with the knowledge, resources, and networking capabilities of Winters Technical Staffing consultants, candidates can have access to a broader range of opportunities and better their chances of success in contrast to job-hunting on their own.
As a leading staffing agency within Toronto and the GTA for more than 40 years, Winters Technical Staffing understands the value of temporary staffing to both job seekers and employers alike.
Contact Winters Today
Let the experienced consultants from our staffing agency guide and support your search to ultimately obtain permanent employment. Call Winters Technical Staffing today at 416-495-7422 to book a no-obligation consultation on your career plans and the options available to help make those goals a reality.