Many Job Searchers Are Wary Of Working With Employment Agencies. Find Out Why You Should Not Be.
In today’s tough job market, an individual needs every edge they can get to help them attain a good job. From classified ads to the Internet to social networking, there are indeed many options available to widen the search prospects. But many still shy away from employment agencies. To do so is to do oneself a disservice, because an employment agency might be exactly what you need to get the job you want.
Why Don’t Job Searchers Use Employment Agencies More? Myth vs. Fact
Many individuals often choose not to use an employment agency in Toronto when searching for a job simply because they have the wrong idea about how such an agency can help.
- Charging Fees: One popular myth is that you will have to pay to use an employment agency. If you are searching for a job, this is not true. Employment agencies make their money from the companies that hire them to find qualified candidates for a position. In Canada, agencies are not permitted to charge fees to the job searcher, only the employer.
- Temporary Positions: Another popular myth is that agencies are only good for helping you find part-time or temporary positions. Agencies are hired by companies to fill all types of positions. Additionally, many of the part-time and temporary positions often turn into full-time positions.
- Entry-Level Jobs: Many job searchers also believe that an employment agency can only find you an entry-level job. Again, this is not true. Agencies are often hired by companies who want a qualified candidate for an executive position but do not have the time to screen candidates thoroughly. That is where the agency comes in. Recruitment firms often have experience and resources to find applicants for all types of positions in many trades and industries.
Take the time to research any employment agency you are considering working with so that you understand the process fully.
Call Winters Staffing at 1-877-495-7422 or contact us and we will be pleased to provide more information.